TEDxSantaBarbara comes to town

In 805conversations by Mark Sylvester

Local showcase for Ideas worth spreading

TEDxSantaBarbara Executive Producer talks with co-host Patrick Melroy about the upcoming event. This is the sixth TEDx event in town, the first three being TEDxAmericanRiviera and in the past two years, TEDxLive. Here’s just a bit of what you’ll learn from this engaging conversation:
  • What’s TEDx and how’s it different from TED
  • The story of how TEDx got started
  • Quick history of Chris Anderson’s involvement with TED
  • What do the letters TED stand for?
  • Why we curate the TEDxSantaBarbara audience
  • The TED Commandments, from the original owner of TED
  • How our local TEDx talks contribute to the global TEDx movement
  • How we coach the speakers to give the talk of their lives
  • How to find a TEDx near you
  • How TED and TEDx helps you make lifelong friends
Links to local TEDx content;