Remain hopeful. Get involved.
Envision the future. Participate.
State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson sat with host Mark Sylvester to talk about public service, collaboration and a series of issues that face the Central Coast.
Here’s just a bit of what you’ll learn from this engaging conversation:
The JEDI Initiative
Three benefits to consider from a life of public service
Improving the world
Challenging work that helps make life better
A chance to exercise your creativity
It’s not all roses; it’s frustrating, and we don’t honor public servants or service
Tips to being an effective public servant
Listen – “What’s keeping us apart?”
Respect – “Don’t disrespect, honor disagreement.”
The Role of Government: Protection and Safety of the People
People pay attention when they have skin in the game
The rise of Social Entrepreneurs
“Your vote is your voice – your voice is your vote.”
Final thought after a long conversation about gun control (Note: This episode was recorded five days after the Orlando mass shooting.)