The Catalyst for Connections and Conversations
Build local connections that matter. If you live in the 805 area and own a business, work in a business, are starting a business, teach students about business, are involved in a service organization that serves businesses, have a business that is off the radar or you work from a virtual office, you want to be a part of 805connect.
Create your free listing & Start Connecting today
Help people find you, your business or service through this directory.
Allow others to learn what makes your company unique.
Find and connect with local business owners better and faster.
Offer guidance in your area of expertise. Gain recognition as someone willing to share success.
Our members are looking for you.
805connect is the first place to look for local businesses, subject matter experts and potential collaborators. Your listing makes you highly visible.
When is a connection valuable?
805connect is powered by technology that matches your profile with others. You can quickly find specific information and make relevant connections.
A Connected Network When You Need it Most
In an age when all of the world’s information is at our fingertips we need a way to sift through thousands of resources to find a specific local expert or company.
Your 805connect profile gives you the opportunity to tell the region what you can do, what you have done, how you can help and where you could use some help.
Think Regional. Act Local.
Eat local.
Grow local.
Buy local.
When looking for business services or expertise, there are great resources right here in the 805 region. 805connect allows you to tap into local talent in two clicks.