A Catalyst for Conversations

  • Visibility

    Be easily found by your target audience throughout the region

  • Insight

    Understand what your target market is really looking for.

  • Events

    Promote your events to a wider audience.

  • Access

    Reach key decision makers in your target markets.

  • Influence

    Guide the future with your ideas and thought leadership.

  • Hiring

    Position yourself as one of the ‘best places’ to work in the region.

The Challenge – Why 805connect exists

  • Imagine a regional network of people, businesses and organizations exclusive to the 805 region.
  • Imagine making relevant connections in two clicks or less.
  • Imagine an ecosystem that supports businesses from incubation through acceleration to growth and maturity.
  • Imagine guiding an ecosystem that improves economic vitality of the 805 region.

Imagine that.

The Answer

  • 805connect includes a free listing for every business and organization in the region.
  • 805connect uses information gathered during the profile process to quickly and easily recommend connections.
  • 805connect enables communication among the public, private and educational sectors to drive business growth.
  • 805connect provides partnership opportunities that make a significant impact on business in the region.

Project Recognition

On June 10th, introNetworks CEO Mark Sylvester and President Kymberlee Weil received the 2015 California Small Business of the Year award for their 805connect project.

We are deeply appreciative of Senator Jackson and her acknowledgment of the work that we have done over the past year to bring 805connect to life. It’s been a year for building and growing awareness of the effort. This accolade comes at a perfect time for us as we begin our second year in the community.”Mark Sylvester

The project’s seed funding comes from the Santa Barbara Foundation.

[cs_mg_testimonials_element type=”mg-grid” layout=”mg-style3″ contcolor=”hsl(205, 100%, 35%)” identitycolor=”hsl(0, 0%, 0%)” columns=”mg-one-col” autoplay=”true” autoplay_time=”3″ nav_button=”true” slider_dots=”true”][cs_mg_testimonials_element_item heading=”Jan Campbell” src=”https://805connect.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Campbell.jpg” designation=”Senior Vice President of Philanthropic Services Communications & Marketing Santa Barbara Foundation” amount=”0″ icon=”adjust” link_link_title=”solid”]In collaboration with 805connect, we believe that the pathway to sustainable growth for our region and its people lies in strengthening our most vulnerable and economically detached populations. We envision a region where all people have access to the resources, opportunities and support they need to help them realize their potential and achieve economic security. These solutions are best realized through collaborations between the private sector, entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations and the affected communities and their people. Providing resources that enable development, technical assistance and information will help businesses and communities improve their local economies and their quality of life.[/cs_mg_testimonials_element_item][/cs_mg_testimonials_element]

The project mission is driven by economic development professionals.

[cs_mg_testimonials_element type=”mg-grid” layout=”mg-style3″ contcolor=”hsl(205, 100%, 35%)” identitycolor=”hsl(0, 0%, 0%)” columns=”mg-one-col” autoplay=”true” autoplay_time=”3″ nav_button=”true” slider_dots=”true”][cs_mg_testimonials_element_item heading=”Michael Manchak” src=”https://805connect.com/images/Manchak.jpg” designation=”President/CEOEconomic Vitality Corporation (EVC) of San Luis Obispo County” amount=”0″ icon=”adjust” link_link_title=”solid”]805connect is a powerful tool that connects people in the business community like never before – fostering jobs, connections, B2B commerce, and collaborations. It helps create a more vital local economy.[/cs_mg_testimonials_element_item][/cs_mg_testimonials_element]

Enthusiastic supporters include:

Updated December 2015

Opportunity to support the project

805connect seeks sponsors and partners to provide financial or in-kind support and relevant content to the businesses, organizations, and individuals in the network.

Sectors include:

  • Banking 
  • Bookkeeping
    BlueIsle Bookkeeping
  • Business Services, other
    Citrix, 805conversations Sponsor
    HGDATA, Custom Mailing Lists
    Maps.com, Cartography Solutions
  • Certified Public Accountants
  • Commercial Real Estate 
  • Construction Services
  • For-profit Educational Institutions
  • Education
    —California Lutheran University, School of Management, Presenting Partner, 805conversations
  • Web Development/SEO/SEM/Social
    PXLPod Web Strategy

Partner Benefits

We know that the network would not exist without the generous support of our partners. We are continually finding ways to deliver the most value possible for your involvement. We recognize that your objectives are to be more visible, grow your own business and be associated with a project that has broad regional impact.

805conversations, Weekly Podcast

Be featured in these stimulating interviews

  • Over 170 episodes with thought-leaders in the region
  • Actionable information that members can use immediately
  • Reach 1000’s of subscribers – in over 40 countries
  • Available on iTunes and all major podcasting networks

Quarterly Insights

Review network activity and trends so that you can refine your message and outreach efforts with timely information.

Partner Recognition

Showcase your brand on our website, in the private online community, in our marketing materials, media presentations, and frequent public interviews.

Smart Ads

Leverage our patented matching technology to target your ideal customer.

Community Emails

Use our platform to reach the entire community in trusted, targeted communications.

Category Exclusivity

Enjoy recognition as our sole partner in your specific area of expertise.

Access to detailed network data

Analyze key metrics and information that is collected quarterly to help drive your business initiatives.

Project Participation Levels


  • Quarterly Insights
  • Partner Recognition
  • Smart Ad (1)
  • Guest spot on 805conversations


  • Quarterly Insights
  • Partner Recognition
  • Smart Ad (1)
  • Guest spot on 805conversations
  • Ask the Experts
  • Community Email (1)

Premium Partner

  • Quarterly Insights
  • Partner Recognition
  • Smart Ads (4)
  • Ask the Experts
  • Guest spot on 805conversations
  • Community Email (4)
  • Recognition at Seeker and Solver events
  • Add Industry-specific keywords (5)
  • Category Exclusivity
  • Access to detailed network reports

What Our Partners Are Saying

[cs_mg_testimonials_element type=”mg-grid” layout=”mg-style3″ contcolor=”hsl(205, 100%, 35%)” identitycolor=”hsl(0, 0%, 0%)” columns=”mg-one-col” autoplay=”true” autoplay_time=”3″ nav_button=”true” slider_dots=”true”][cs_mg_testimonials_element_item heading=”Guy Smith” src=”https://805connect.com/images/Smith.jpg” designation=”Antioch University Santa Barbara” amount=”0″ icon=”adjust” link_link_title=”solid”]805connect provides an invaluable tool for students to make direct contact with regional employers to gain internships and jobs. It also provides an efficient means for students and faculty to connect with regional businesses by industry sector. We are most enthused by the introNetworks initiative that will create a truly regional approach to economic development.[/cs_mg_testimonials_element_item][/cs_mg_testimonials_element]
[cs_mg_testimonials_element type=”mg-grid” layout=”mg-style3″ contcolor=”hsl(205, 100%, 35%)” identitycolor=”hsl(0, 0%, 0%)” columns=”mg-one-col” autoplay=”true” autoplay_time=”3″ nav_button=”true” slider_dots=”true”][cs_mg_testimonials_element_item heading=”Melissa V. Moreno, J.D.” src=”https://805connect.com/images/Moreno.jpg” designation=”Entrepreneur, Author & EducatorSBCC Dean of Educational Programs – Business” amount=”0″ icon=”adjust” link_link_title=”solid”]We are excited about the potential of 805connect in its ability to match our students, startups and small businesses with connections that lead to opportunities.[/cs_mg_testimonials_element_item][/cs_mg_testimonials_element]
[cs_mg_testimonials_element type=”testimonials-grid” layout=”mg-style3″ contcolor=”hsl(205, 100%, 35%)” identitycolor=”hsl(0, 0%, 0%)” columns=”mg-one-col” autoplay=”true” autoplay_time=”3″ nav_button=”true” slider_dots=”true”][cs_mg_testimonials_element_item heading=”Dr. Gerhard Apfelthaler” src=”https://805connect.com/images/Gerhard.jpg” designation=”Dean, Cal Lutheran School of Management” amount=”0″ icon=”adjust” link_link_title=”solid”]When starting a business, only so much can be done without the help of others. Entrepreneurs need a vibrant community in order to build, grow and be successful. 805connect will provide the valuable connections that will help these businesses grow.[/cs_mg_testimonials_element_item][/cs_mg_testimonials_element]

Become a Partner

Contact Mark Sylvester, 805connect Ambassador, to discuss how your organization can benefit by serving the members of the regions’ first official business directory.

Email: partners@null805connect.com
or Call: 805 722 1041