Learn, Teach; Get Momentum

In 805conversations by Mark Sylvester

We’re smarter together

Jason and Jodi Womack, the powerhouse couple behind The Womack Company, based in Ojai, sat for an energy-filled conversation about their new book, Get Momentum. Jason and Jodi are ideal foils for one another and Mark took lots of time discovering their secret to working and playing together.
Jason wrote the book, and I deleted it. – Jodi”
Topics included;
  • Meeting 23 years ago in History class
  • What it means to be the kid who sits in the front of the class
  • Talking about Couples in Business
  • Jason’s thoughts on Co… co-working, co-laborating and co-creating – very interesting distinctions
  • How does a couple with each having a Masters in Psychology not end up analysing each other ad nauseum?
  • Jason’s 30/30 and 90/90 way of looking at your calendar and getting things done
  • What does it mean when you have Decision Fatigue – yes, it’s a thing, look it up
  • What it was like writing their first book together – though this is their 4th book
  • How Jason got started – by looking in the house at the top 100 brands he supported by his purchases and then how he met them and started working with them
  • Here’s the email he wrote: “Who I am, what I’ve done, What’s your training and development need, What would you call the class and how much would you pay.
  • “What they buy vs. what they experience”
  • Another lovely law of three – Remember something you accomplished. Remember who helped you get it done. Be grateful
  • Nice point of view about the intersection of Information and Intention
  • “What do you want to be known for?”
Oh yes, Jason is a fellow podcaster and does a show, Your Best Just Got Better – find it here on iTunes – he did 200 shows in a row. Yep, that’s Momentum! Jason and Jodi travel quite a bit and when they do they will often hang out in a coffee shop and invite locals to come by and say hi and sit a while. You can find where they’re going to be by hitting this Where’s Womack site – clever idea Jason!