Live for a Better World – LoaTree

In 805conversations by Mark Sylvester

Citizen Activist. Changemaker. A Man for Others.

David Fortson, the co-founder and CEO of Santa Barbara based LoaTree, sat with Mark Sylvester to talk about his journey towards being a citizen activist and changemaker. He’s a lot more than that of course, and his story gives us a great glimpse into this Santa Barbara social entrepreneur, marketer and Dad.
To get told NO is a piece of data you should pay attention to.”
Topics included;
  • Growing up in San Jose and finding the ideal school that ended up changing his life
  • “The Theology of Nature”
  • Knowing at age 17 that he wanted to be an Environmental Studies major
  • Going from Activist to Organizer
  • How you get attention for your ideas – learned at the young age of 19
  • His intense experience at the WTO in Seattle – suffice it to say, he’s not a fan of tear gas
  • Making a better planet
  • Earth Day activity in Santa Barbara
  • How he ran a campaign for the Isla Vista Parks Board at 22 years old
  • Advice for students who want to make a difference: Get out of class, Open up and pay attention to what’s all around you and Be Persistent
  • What’s LoaTree and LoaCom
  • How talking to thousands of people helps fine tune your pitch skills
  • Starting with a big smile
  • His product startup story – Brush Buddy and being on QVC – what a rush
  • The ego is a powerful, multi-edged sword
  • “Do what you love.”
  • Are you working at your highest vibrational level?
You can learn more about the Community, Events and Passion Projects of LoaTree here