At 805connect we have a simple test when it comes to our brand and projects. We ask the questions What, So What and Now What? When you couple that with your Why, you ought to be able to explain your brand in a sentence or two.
Start with Why. Answering the other three questions becomes easy once you understand why you do what you do.
When looking at profiles inside the network, it is interesting to note that more than 25% of members say that they need help in marketing. 805connect includes a lot of marketing professionals who can help you sort out your brand. This might entail commissioning a more distinct logo, a home page makeover, or embarking on a mission to clarify your message.
Login to the network and click Advanced Search in the upper left. Select a few words from the “I can help with” list that are related to marketing. You will be pleased at how much help is at your fingertips. Would now be a good time to reach out to one of the professionals in the network and see how they can help you refresh your brand?