Sending the human spirit to the bottom of the ocean
Melissa Baffa, VP of Programs and Volunteer Service for the Central Coast Girl Scouts spoke with Mark about her upcoming journey to the bottom of the Ocean. Her love of the ocean and how that passion impacts her work with girls is very evident in this conversation.
Melissa is a part of the Ocean Exploration Trust’s mission to explore the world’s oceans and bring the wonder of discovery to the world in real time through the Nautilus Live website. The organization’s founder is Dr. Robert Ballard, most famous for having discovered the final resting place of the HMS Titanic.
There was a lot of ground covered in this conversation, including:
What her job is at the Girl Scouts
What the Ocean Exploration Trust is all about
How the Girl Scouts operate with 5,500 local volunteers
A great discussion about Dr. Robert Ballard and his dream of a Wet NASA
How Dr. Ballard coined the term, telepresence
A lovely discussion about one of my heroes, Sylvia Earle
what is Chemo Synthesis
Ah, the Dumbo Octopus
Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
This is a great episode that shows how passion and enthusiasm for a topic, like the Ocean, can be so fulfilling.