“You and me, helping you get better”
Yes faithful listener, this is our 100th show. Thanks for your support. You’re in for a great show today! Jim Cathcart, author, speaker, coach, and mentor sat with Mark to talk about his most recent book, The Self Motivation Handbook. Jim’s a world traveler and has a thousand stories, we only had time for a few, and they were great. There was a lot of ground covered in this conversation, including:• How he’s managed to write 18 books (see entire list here) • His 4th-grade teacher, Ms. Waters • Being an advisor at California Lutheran’s School of Management (805conversations’ sponsor) • Buzzword Bingo: Applied Behavioural Science • His mentor: Earl Nightingale, from Arkansas • His tips for preparing to give a presentation • Review what you already know • Emails, brochures, all your interactions • Go over your presentation • Have a meal alone and consider your talk in your head • Engage their mind • Trick for engaging the audience: look at their eyes and look at the tops of their heads, that means that they’ve tilted down to write a note about something you just said • Zig Ziglar • Why should the audience care about you? • Thomas Merton – another guiding light for Jim • Audience engagement trick #2: Who has the 2nd question – no one wants to ask the first question • His fascinating story about the founding of the National Speakers Association (NSA) • 1989 – becoming president of the NSA • His personal memory tricks for people giving presentations • Link to his new book, The Self-Motivation Handbook • 68 Ways to Motivate Yourself • 268 One-minute Lessons in Self-Motivation