Tinier Tim Bauer talks about being an entrepreneur and how being morbidly obese affected his entire life. Mark and he discuss his radical transformation and the impact he’s now able to make with others.
There was a lot of ground covered in this conversation, including:
Becoming a ‘tinier Tim’ – how he got his nickname
How his weight affected being a business man
His background in direct sales – an interesting story that we’ve never discussed before
the year after losing all the weight
How his sales improved 100%
The value of small efforts repeated daily
His adherence to David Allens Getting Things Done methodology
How the Karate Kid is a metaphor for a way of teaching
How he tried every diet, from South Beach to the North Pole
The 5 Tennis Ball Story
“Being inspired without being inspiring”
Gamification of the weight loss process
Wellness – Fitness – Nutrition
How teachers challenge us
A discussion about Stephen Covey’s 4 Quadrants: Urgent, but not important, Important, but not urgent, Urgent and Important, Not important and not urgent
“A business falls apart slowly like a body falls apart.”
“Don’t neglect tomorrow, at the cost of today.”
Caring for the physical wellness of his staff
3 Things to help you in Sales
Everything but the Fire (you need to hear his opening story for this to make sense)
Finding opportunity where no one else see’s them
Realize that from every opportunity, you can learn (from your mistakes)