I believe we can transform the humanity of the experience.”
Robin Newman is the founder of Global Egg Donors, an egg donation program, based in Santa Barbara, specializing in the coordination of affordable egg donation procedures. She assists in finding and reserving a donor, clinic, doctor, flights, and accommodation in many countries. She’s worked with parents in 20+ countries, traveling to 8 countries to take advantage of an exceptional donor, excellent medical facilities and the high-quality service of the clinics that she works with.
Robin is a 2nd generation Santa Barbaran, who is proud that her grandfather led the Fiesta parade, back in the day. She’s been running this program locally for 16 years. The program offers hope and solutions to so many people. It’s now her life’ mission to be of service.
She, Patrick and Mark covered a lot of ground in the conversation including:
• How egg donations began just 30 years ago
• South Africa’s role in her mission
• The exact process by which this happens, with a compelling story of a recent donor
• We learned that on average a female is born with 40,000 cells that will mature into an egg
• The primary challenge to her Mission is resolved with education and awareness
• She’s currently working with eight clinics worldwide
• There are 50 egg donor programs in the world (estimated)
• The biggest surprise for her: that she’s lasted as long as she has in this role and how the industry has grown
• There’s a sisterhood of donors – great stories here about what that feels like
• She says that the challenges facing the Mission are that the laws are always changing and evolving, country by country
• She’s proud that she’s been a part of bringing 800+ babies into the world
In the image above, Robin is flanked by two donors