Are there are a few that you don’t instantly delete because they add crazy value, bring a smile or make you think?
We thought that we’d share a few of our favorite voices with you.
They are short and sweet.
Gaping Void ( – “If you’re trying to change your business’ culture, you should be talking to us” pretty much says it all. @gapingvoid affects change in business and business culture, using a distinct style of drawing. Hilarious and sharable.
Seth Godin ( – “Go. Make something happen.” This is what you see when you visit Seth’s site. He’s known for sending a short post every day. Each one will get you to think and take action.
Simon Sinek ( – “Start with Why in everything you do.” Do you know your Why? The purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you to do what you do? Simon sends an email every day that’s one line long to help you focus on your Why.
Here’s your action for today: Unsubscribe to at least one newsletter that is not adding immediate value. (except this one of course). Then take a look at what’s left in your inbox and share the sites with us in the comments.