How Design Thinking helps any business

In 805conversations by Mark Sylvester

“Rehearse the future of your business.”

Perfect insight into how Dane Howard thinks about working with his teams. Dane Howard, designer, futurist, entrepreneur and Father, sat with Mark to talk about Design Thinking and the past twenty years. Dane and Mark met at Wavefront while Dane was going to Art Center College of Design. In this reunion conversation they talk about the intervening years, his family and daughter Chloe, who was recently on the TEDxSantaBarbara stage. This wide-ranging conversation covered a lot of ground including: • Going to school at Westmont, then off to Art Center • His philosophy about the role of Design – hint: it’s about service • How does Empathy affect the Design Thinker • How you “Storyboard your Business.” • What he learned from Pre-Visualization at Disney and Pixar that he applied to his design work • How you tell a story about a better tomorrow – pitching ideas to management • How Design Thinking flows across the entire business • Being a CEO Whisperer • Love this quote, “Teasing out friction.” • Collaboration Design • BEST QUOTE EVER, how you phrase a question to your team,     … how might we… • How might we fix, build, change, help, etc. it’s a perfect open-ended question • The role of Improv in the Design Thinking Process – Yes and vs. Yes but. (interesting article on Fast Company about this) • A fun thing that he does with his son before bed, every night, called 3 Minute Drawings. What a bright idea. • Creating courses for – Lifestyles for Creatives • What’s next? Reinventing how people purchase and think about insurance through startup Trov. This is the Mind Map that Mark and Dane talk about in the episode. Have you ever tried making something like this for yourself?   Processed with Snapseed.