One of the reasons that yoga is such a powerful practice is that is reminds us to be grateful. One of the most interesting effects of a regular yoga practice is its ability to nurture positive qualities like compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude in ourselves.
Two women, frustrated with their attempts to practice yoga more often with their favorite teachers, have created a unique company called Audible Yoga right here in the 805 (where there are more yoga teachers per capita than just about anywhere else). On the brink of launching, Maureen Troy and Virginia O’Connor are bringing yoga to the masses of busy people who struggle to fit yoga into their overscheduled lives.
Here’s something you’ve probably guessed: not all yoga teachers can turn their passion for yoga and teaching into a profitable and sustainable career. About a year ago, Elephant Journal published an infographic depicting the annual salary of a yoga teacher and listed becoming a yoga instructor as a ‘second source of income’ right at the top. A quick check today at shows that in the last few years yoga teacher salaries have fallen well below national averages, so it makes sense that yoga instruction is seen as a secondary source of income.
Audible Yoga offers the following features:
Students search for their favorite yoga classes (long or short, Hatha or Ashtanga – it’s all there)
Download or stream audio yoga classes to a smartphone (no data or wi-fi needed after download)
Plug in headphones and take a private yoga class by following the teacher’s voice
While the audio approach isn’t new, it has been nearly dead since the advent of video and yet, teachers and students universally recognize the value of an audio-based yoga class.
Not only for those with busy schedules, Audible Yoga is also for those who have been separated from their yoga teachers for one reason or another: relocation, life changes, new babies, etc. Even better? Audible Yoga’s core mission of bringing a daily practice to more people is their mission to pay yoga teachers a sustainable passive income stream through royalties and referrals.
Students and teachers who connect while traveling or on retreats, for example can now maintain that connection by taking and recording classes wherever they go.
The Audible Yoga team is on the brink of launching, and they are offering early birds from 805connect one-half off their subscription. Sign up to get the discount code at and tell them you heard about them here at 805connect. If you’re a yoga teacher, take a look at